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The article presents a study of the issues of citizens ' participation in the development of urban areas, creating a comfortable environment for life on the example of Vologda. The research is based on the following methods: multiple case study, included observation, unstructured interviews, and content analysis. When studying a separate case, we identified the participants in the interaction, the nature of the interaction (open dialogue, pseudo-communication, conflict), the tools of civil participation, and the results obtained. The main problem of realizing the potential of civil participation in municipal management is the unformed motivation of people to social activity. It is concluded that in the context of a conflict of interests, the participating project looks like a marginal protest movement in the eyes of the local authorities. The fact that the urban environment will be in demand and works better if residents are actively involved in its creation and management, justifies the need for a dialogue between the government and the population. It is possible to avoid a city-protection conflict by involving citizens in participation at the first stages of designing changes to public spaces.
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