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Svetlana G. Maximova Email: svet-maximova@yandex.ru
Oksana E. Noyanzina Email: noe@list.ru
Olga V. Surtaeva Email: bubuka_s@mail.ru


The relevance of the topic stems from the increase of uncertainties and risks witnessed in the Russian regions during last decades. The scientific discourse is characterized by the lack of studies about factors and conditions, responsible for optimal level of security in society. The purpose of the research consisted in the revelation and the analysis of factors, determining the subjective feeling of security among population from the Altai region as one of the border regions of Russia. Based on the data of the sociological survey, conducted in 2019 in the Altai region (n = 621) and binary logistic regression method, the authors have found that the high satisfaction of population with the security of life, recreational activities, remuneration and material position, level of social solidarity, the male gender and high level of generalized trust increase the likelihood of formatting the sense of security. In contrast, the high level of education and satisfaction with situation in the country, possibilities of professional growth, self-realization, and residence in urban area are key factors decreasing the sense of security.


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Maximova, S. G., Noyanzina, O. E., & Surtaeva, O. V. (2020). FACTORS OF THE SUBJECTIVE FEELING OF SECURITY AMONG POPULATION (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE ALTAI REGION). Society and Security Insights, 3(1), 49-57. https://doi.org/10.14258/ssi(2020)1-03


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