The article presents the results of a content analysis of reviews about tourist infrastructure facilities in Belokurikha 2 Gornaya, including transport infrastructure, accommodation and catering facilities, sports facilities, museum complexes, religious and art objects. 478 reviews on the website were analyzed for the period from 2017 to 2024. The largest number of reviews among tourist infrastructure facilities in Belokurikha 2 Gornaya include the Gogol tavern, the Timani chocolate museum, the Andreevskaya Sloboda architectural and historical complex, the Olympus Park hotel complex, and the Mount Mishina ski complex. The analysis of reviews was carried out in four categories with the determination of sentiment. Among the analyzed reviews in the category “attractiveness of the object for visitors,” a significant number of reviews are positive. In the category “land improvement / room comfort”, reviews of the Olympus Park hotel complex and the Mishina Mountain ski complex stand out by the number of mentions. In the category “comfort of meeting with other visitors,” the largest number of negative ratings were noted for the Mount Mishina ski complex and the Timani chocolate museum, where measures to organize tourist flows are required. Visitors practically do not mention problems with navigation on the ground. The only object that received all positive ratings in the category “satisfaction with the level of service” was the Slovo Museum of the Russian Alphabet and History of Writing. The results obtained made it possible to formulate recommendations for improving tourism services and designing new facilities, as well as changing the characteristics of existing tourist infrastructure facilities in Belokurikha 2 Gornaya.
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