Obishir-5 - multilayer site located in the southern part of Fergana valley (Kyrgyzstan). Culture-stratigraphic sequence presented there is exclusive to Central Asian region - from Upper Paleolithic to Middle Age. The site was studied two times: from 1965 to 1973 and from 2015 till present. The last exploration phase has shown that lower cultural layers contain Upper Paleolithic materials and they were not studied earlier. The abovementioned circumstance raised a problem of determination of unconsolidated sediments thickness and indication of areas with unexamined layers more immediate. Using of electrical resistivity tomography technique on Obishir-5 site allowed determining a shape of bedrock (its electrical resistivity comes up to 1000 Ohm·m,) and to localize zones with low resistivity (up to 200 Ohm·m), which could be caused by rock disintegration. Several zones differ in resistivity are indicated within the layer of unconsolidated sediments. They could be interpreted as humid zones composed of fine material (50- 100 Ohm·m) and dryer zones containing coarse-grained material (200-400 Ohm·m). Sediments thickness varies from 0 to 5 m within the study area. The excavation of 1960-s is presented in the resistivity section by positive anomaly (up to 200 Ohm·m). Analysis of the geoelectrical section allows for the conclusion that the old excavation did not reach the bedrock surface hence the area is prospecting for archaeological research.
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