Planigraphy of Оne Quarter of I zhevsk on Krasnaya Street

Keywords: Izhevsk Plant settlement, estate, cellars, inventory, residential buildings, residential, buildings, objects


The article provides a primary analysis of the planography of one of the historical quarters of the settlement “Izhevsk Plant”. 272 objects and the remains of the foundations of four residential structures have been identified and investigated. The objects were correlated by date of occurrence, functional features and type. The development of the blocks began from the corners and moved to the center of the block streets. In total, there are eight residential buildings and, accordingly, estates associated with them. The main types of objects have been considered. The estates were divided into a yard, a household and garden parts. There was a yard area next to each building, empty of any objects. There were two large cellars with wooden structures inside and the material of the 19th — early 20th century, 4–8 meters from the house. The existence of a part of the pits in terms of material and filling can be explained by the presence of handicrafts among residents. In the center of the block, in the “back” part of the estates, there was a fenced vegetable garden area with wells. In the Soviet times, these houses were turned into “communal blocks of flats”, after which there was a significant redevelopment of the estates.


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Author Biography

S.A. Perevozchikova, Udmurt State University

Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Udmurt State University


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How to Cite
Perevozchikova S. Planigraphy of Оne Quarter of I zhevsk on Krasnaya Street // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 45-56 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(4).-03. URL: