Miniature Clay Products of the Imenkovo Culture in the 6th –7th Centuries AD

Keywords: Imenkovo culture, archaeology, typology, miniature clay products, Tetyushy II hillfort


The article deals with miniature clay products of the Imenkovo culture. They are often mentioned in publications of finds both from the Imenkovo hillforts and from the settlements. At the same time, they are not found in the Imenkovo burial grounds. The research was based on a representative collection of miniature items from the Tetyushy-II hillfort in the Tetyushy district of Tatarstan. In addition, published materials from excavations of other Imenkovo settlements both in the Republic of Tatarstan and in the neighboring regions — Ulyanovsk and Samara were used. The author studied 124 miniature objects. They were grouped into four divisions. The first one includes geometrical objects (balls, cones, etc.), accounting for 22.5% of all finds. The second includes jewelry (9.8%). The most numerous (42.7%) is the third section — household items. Most of them are miniature vessels. The last section includes miniature images of animals (25%). All products are made of pure clay. They are well burnt. Moreover, almost all of them are either broken or have the loss of individual parts. Since the crafts were very durable, it is obvious that they were smashed on purpose. By their functional purpose, they were: 1) cult objects related to production activities (miniature figurines of animals); 2) magic crafts; 3) elements of ritual procedures; 4) household items (for example, drinking bowls); 5) shells for weapons (sling). In the latter case, natural nodules were used for the same purpose. The origin of most of the miniature vessels is associated with the Volga region. In the decorations and a number of types of miniature vessels, the connection of these artifacts with the antiquities of the Dyakovo archaeological culture can be traced. There are analogies in the antiquities of the Kiev culture. Miniature vessels with a round bottom are associated with cultures of the 1st millennium AD in Southern Cis-Urals. Some of the items of this complex were formed under the influence of the Sarmatian culture. All considered items are dated to the 6th–7th centuries AD. Thus, for the first time, the systematization of miniature items of the Imenkovo culture, their attribution and dating has been carried out.


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Author Biography

K.A. Rudenko, Kazan State Institute of Culture

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Kazan State Institute of Culture


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How to Cite
Rudenko K. Miniature Clay Products of the Imenkovo Culture in the 6th –7th Centuries AD // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2021. Vol. 33, № 4. P. 81-106 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2021)33(4).-05. URL:

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