Keywords: archaeology, Altai, Ust’-Kuyum, Srostki, A.M. Vinogradova, G.P. Sosnovsky, State Hermitage Museum


In the archaeology of Siberia, as well as other regions, there are many names of little-known archaeologists, indispensable assistants in the field and cameral research. One of these archaeologists was Anna Mikhailovna Vinogradova, a researcher in the sector of pre-class society in the Department of the History of Primitive Culture of The State Hermitage Museum. Very little is known about her biography. She was born in 1895 and died during the blockade in 1942, that is, she lived less than 47 years. One of her main scientific interests in the Hermitage was the study of the sites of the Andronovo culture.This article discusses only one field season in 1936, when on the instructions of the The State Hermitage Museum A. M. Vinogradova participated in the expedition of G. P. Sosnovsky in Altai. In Ust’-Kuyum they investigated a Neolithic site, 8 barrows of the Afanasievo culture and 3 barrows of ancient nomads. Near the village of Srostki, the oldest in 1936 Upper Paleolithic settlement in the Altai krai was discovered. During the research of this expedition, A. M. Vinogradova performed a large amount of work. She not only cleared the objects, performed all the drawing work, but also recorded the objects found, compiled their descriptions and labels.


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Author Biography

L.S. Marsadolov, The State Hermitage Museum

Doctor of Culturology, Leading Researcher, Department of Archeology of Eastern Europe and Siberia, The State Hermitage Museum


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How to Cite
Marsadolov L. A. M. VINOGRADOVA — A RESEARCHER OF G. P. SOSNOVSKY’S EXPEDITION IN ALTAI IN 1936 // THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH, 2022. Vol. 34, № 2. P. 251-259 DOI: 10.14258/tpai(2022)34(2).-15. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/tpai/article/view/11686.