Species richness of scaled Chrysophytes in arctic waters in the Tiksi Region (Yakutia, Russia)


scaled chrysophytes

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Bessudova, A., Gabyshev, V., Bukin, Y., Gabysheva, O., & Likhoshway, Y. V. (2022). Species richness of scaled Chrysophytes in arctic waters in the Tiksi Region (Yakutia, Russia). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 8, 431–459. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7710355


Searching for regularities in the species composition and diversity of scaled chrysophytes is crucial for monitoring Arctic waters within the concept of global climate change since these organisms are good indicators of environmental changes. Transmission electron microscopy allowed us to investigate the species diversity of scaled chrysophytes in 14 Arctic water bodies near the town of Tiksi (Yakutia) relative to hydrochemical gradients. We described a high species richness of scaled chrysophytes, 65 species from 6 genera: Chrysosphaerella (2), Paraphysomonas (8), Lepidochromonas (3), Spiniferomonas (10), Mallomonas (23), Synura (19). The water bodies we studied had a significantly different species composition. The composition of the species in the study area was confirmed to be affected by concentrations of water dissolved oxygen (O2), ion nitrate (NO3-) and copper ion (Cu2+) as well as by indicators of biological and chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD). The species richness (α richness) is proved to be higher within creasing concentrations of COD and O2, while increasing concentrations of copper ions (Cu2 +) in water led to its reduction. According to ecological and biogeographic data, ubiquitous and cosmopolitan species prevailed in the longitudinal group of the study area (60 %), while polyzonal species (55 %) predominated in the latitudinal group. A high share of Arctic boreal species (19 %) and the presence of typically boreal species (11 %) were identified in the latitudinal group. A biogeographical distribution of scaled chrysophytes typical of Arctic water bodies in contemporary conditions that reflect global warming trends was described.  



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