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durum wheat
black point
environmental conditions
sources of resistance.

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Barysheva, N. V., Rozova, M. A., Ziborov, A. I., Khlebova, L. P., & Kraynov, A. P. (2016). DURUM WHEAT RESISTANCE TO BLACK POINT. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 2(4), 45-51. https://doi.org/10.14258/abs.v2i4.1704


The search for effective sources of wheat immunity to common diseases in the Altai Region and the inclusion of the most valuable donors in breeding programs are the most important components of a strategy to create new varieties resistant to pathogens. The black point disease causing the darkening the grain germ is found in all regions where Triticum durum Desf. is cultivated. We studied 58 varieties and lines of spring durum wheat of different geographic origin for resistance to black point in the Priobskaya (the Ob River) forest-steppe of the Altai Region. A wide range of genotypes on the resistance to the disease was revealed. Growing season conditions were comparable with genotype contribution to the manifestation of black point: the proportion of the influence of "genotype" and "growing conditions" factors accounted for 45.8 and 41.1%, respectively. Interaction of the factors was 13.1%. Accessions with the lowest development of infection have been identified. Varieties from Altai Research Institute of Agriculture, Orenburg Research Institute of Agriculture, Donۥs Zonal Research Institute of Agriculture, Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture are characterized by a low level of black point damage (5.84 – 7.36%). The sources of resistance, according to the economic and biological evaluation have no negative characteristics and properties that prevent their using in programs for resistance to black point.

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