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acoustic scarers
municipal objects

How to Cite

Matsyura, A. V., Yakovlev, R. V., & Ulanov, P. N. (2016). ACOUSTIC BIRD REPELLENTS – A BRIEF REVIEW. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 2(4), 141-148.


The advantages and disadvantages of acoustic bird repellents were considered regards their use in municipal objects. The analysis of their technical features, prices and possible use was performed.
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Allan, R., John, R., Orosz, A. (2009). The costs of birdstrikes to commercial aviation. Digital Commons University of Nebraska. Retrieved 2009–01–16.

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Besser, J.F. (1985). A grower’s guide to reducing bird damage to U.S. agriculture crops. National Wildlife Research Center Report 340.

Bull, P.C. (1975). Controlling rooks in Hawke's Bay. Agricultural Pest Destruction Council Newsletter, 1, 2–4.

Conover, M.R. (1994). How birds interpret distress calls: implications of applied uses of distress call playbacks. Proc. Sixteenth Annual Vertebrate Pest Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska.

Dolbeer, R.A. (1990). Ornithology and integrated pest management: red–winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus) and corn. Ibis, 132, 309–322.

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