An annotated checklist of gall-forming poplar aphids (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae, Pemphigini) of the Asian part of Russia

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species diversity
alien species
Russian Far East

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Babichev, N. S., Baranchikov, Y. N., Kuzhuget, S. V., Kniazev, S. Y., Dementeva, M. K., Malikova, E. I., & Kirichenko, N. I. (2023). An annotated checklist of gall-forming poplar aphids (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae, Pemphigini) of the Asian part of Russia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 9, 317–347.


Here we overviewed the taxonomic diversity and compiled the checklist of gall-forming poplar aphids (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae, Pemphigini) in the Asian part of Russia. Overall, 20 species, i.e. 18 Pemphigus and two Thecabius spp. were proven to have distribution in this macroregion. Based on our field study, following seven species represented novel geographical records. Among them, Pem. iskanderkuli Narzikulov is new for Asian Russia as per the record in Tuva Republic, and six species, Pem. matsumurai Monzen, Pem. microsetosus Aoki, Pem. plicatus Dolgova, Pem. populi Courchet, Pem. protospirae Lichtenstein, Th. latisensorius Hori, are new for some administrative regions of Siberia and/or the Russian Far East. Pemphigus passeki Börner, Pem. spyrothecae Passerini are alien species for the Asian part of Russia. Eight species, Pem. borealis Tullgren, Pem. bursarius (Linnaues), Pem. matsumurai Monzen, Pem. populi Courchet, Pem. passeki Börner, Pem. protospirae Lichtenstein, Pem. spyrothecae Passerini, Th. affinis (Kaltenbach), were documented in the Asian part of Russia as pests of poplars.


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