Coenotic and biomorphological analysis of Lamiaceae in the West Siberian floristic province


West Siberian floristic province
ecological and coenotic characterization
biomorphological traits

How to Cite

Cheryomushkina, V. A., Talovskaya, E. B., & Sharabarina, A. E. (2023). Coenotic and biomorphological analysis of Lamiaceae in the West Siberian floristic province. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 9, 1207–1225.


We analyzed the distribution, coenotic habitat, ecological preferences, and biomorphology of the 80 Lamiaceae species from 30 genera found in the West Siberian province. The plant species are primarily found in boreal and forest-steppe vegetation communities and are equally distributed in both lighted and shaded areas. Most species have a narrow range of humidity preferences. The study also highlights the diversity of life forms, with long-rhizomatous grasses being the most common, and morphological traits such as monocyclic elongated shoots, orthotropic growth direction, terminal arrangement of inflorescences, sympodial development, appearance of replacement axes due to basiton branching, and a long development period of more than three years. The research reveals that the diversity of life forms and biomorphological features of the shoot system play a significant role in determining the distribution of species in different ecological and coenotic conditions within the West Siberian province.


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