Invasive and potentially invasive plant species in State Nature Biosphere Reserves of the Altai Republic (Russia)


alien plant species
invasive plant species
Altaiskiy Reserve
Katunskiy Reserve

How to Cite

Artemov, I., & Zykova, E. Y. (2019). Invasive and potentially invasive plant species in State Nature Biosphere Reserves of the Altai Republic (Russia) . Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(4), 73-82.


In the Altaiskiy and Katunskiy State Nature Biosphere Reserves we registered 44 alien plant species, which were considered in Siberia as invasive and potentially invasive. Among them, there were 30 xenophytes and 14 ergasiophytes species. Rumex acetosella L., Impatiens glandulifera Royle, Galinsoga ciliata (Rafin.) Blake, and Strophiostoma sparsiflorum (Mikan ex Pohl) Turcz. are considered invasive in the Altaiskiy Reserve because they actively spread there in natural and seminatural plant communities and habitats. Most of the species had appeared in the territories of the reserves before their establishment as a result of agricultural activity or appeared after their establishment because of activity of the reserves themselves. Despite of a big amount of tourists in the reserves, the invasive and potentially invasive plants are absent on the ecological paths at present.


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