We performed the physical and sexual development evaluation of the teenage girls attending educational institutions of Barnaul. The purpose of our study was to reveal the interconnections between the Barnaul teenagers physical and sexual development parameters. The results of the cross-section survey of 165 Barnaul schoolgirls within the age range of 12 years 6 months and 17 years 5 months 29 days were presented.
We conducted the schoolchildren somatic parameters (the body length and weight, chest circumference, thigh circumference, the leg length, shoulder and pelvis width); we gave the evaluation of the physical development level according to the regional standards using the Vervek, Tanner, and trochanter body weight indices. The children somatic types was determined in accordance with R.N. Dorokhov and I.I. Bakhrakh method, modified by I.M. Voronzov. The level of the schoolgirl sexual development was estimated according to the sexual formula and the age of menarche. We performed the analysis of the correlative interconnections between the level of sexual development, the degree of the secondary sexual characteristics evidence, the sexual development score and anthropometric measurements as well as the physical development indices. The secondary sexual characteristics formation of the Barnaul girls is not completely finished by the age of 17.
The data received for the 17-year-old girls upon indications of the pelvis width (Distantiacristarum) correspond to the general uniformly narrowed pelvis of an adult woman. It is determined that the sexual development level of the secondary sexual characteristics evidence is interrelated with the physical development tempos.
The children having higher tempos of physical development are characterized by advanced sexual development and more evident secondary sexual characteristics. Delayed sexual development and less evident secondary sexual characteristics are observed along with the slow tempo of the physical development. The degree of the secondary sexual characteristics evidence and the main anthropometric measurements are interconnected: the maximum correlative relationship of these indicators is characteristic of the 14-year-old girls. At the age of 17, asthenic girls have a lower score while hypersthenicones have a higher score of the sexual development and the secondary sexual characteristics evidence.
The girls with high values of the body weight index are characterized by a higher score of the sexual development and the secondary sexual characteristics evidence. The anthropometric markers of the sexual development tempos were suggested: somatic type corresponding to R.N. Dorokhov and I.I. Bakhrakh scheme at the age of 13-14, indicators of the body weight, Vervek index at the age of 17.
Key words: teenagers, physical development, sexual development, somatic type, physical development indices.
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