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Bayesian inference
soil properties

How to Cite

Zhukov, A. V., Andrusevich, K. V., Pokusa, A. Y., & Lapko, E. V. (2015). BAYESIAN INFERENCE OF THE SOIL PROPERTIES SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION GETEROGENIZATION. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 1(3-4), 76-91.


Spatial variation of soil properties within polygon on the agricultural field occupied with corn have been considered in article. Geostatistics parameter estimation had been drawn by Bayesian inference. As spatial model the Matern variogram has been considered. Such approach allowed adding the existing list of the geostatistics parameters with smoothing from this model. Such edaphic parameters as soil density, humidity, temperature, and electrical conductivity have been considered. 100 per cent of variation of investigated property could be explained by nugget-effect that considered as null-alternative. Such situation is observed after bedrock machining. Formation of spatial patterns of edaphic properties was considered as a result of exogenous factors (relief, vegetation, gradient of climatic conditions) and endogenous like an inherent soli ability to self-organization.

Key words: Bayesian inference, geterogenization, soil properties
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