Taxonomic diversity and structure of phytoplankton in heterotypic lakes of Kulunda basin (Altai Krai)
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Kosacheva, Y. N., Mitrofanova, E. Y., & Kosachev, P. A. (2023). Taxonomic diversity and structure of phytoplankton in heterotypic lakes of Kulunda basin (Altai Krai). Acta Biologica Sibirica, 9, 85–104.


In 2001–2021, the taxonomic composition and structure of phytoplankton in the heterotypic lakes of the Kulunda basin were studied. By the average and maximum depths and the way of salt accumulation, these lakes belong to deep-water brine, medium-deep brine, shallow-water brine, shallow-water self-sediment and drying up in summer period types of reservoirs. 241 species, 5 varieties and 3 forms of algae from 7 divisions, 17 classes, 7 subclasses, 44 orders, 78 families, and 130 genera were identified. The greatest taxonomic diversity was noted in the divisions Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, and Ochrophyta; the most classes (5) were in the division Ochrophyta; the most taxa with a rank above the family were in the subdivision Diatomeae (3 classes, 4 subclasses, 14 orders) and the division Chlorophyta (3 classes, 11 orders). In the spectrum of families, 12 ones (of 78) are leading with 34.6% of the total number of genera and 48.5% of the total number of species. The taxa spectrum is characterized by one-, two- and three-species families. The largest number of species in phytoplankton was found mostly in deep- and medium-deep lakes with a wide variety of biotopes both horizontally and vertically. The dependence of the number of species in the phytoplankton of the lakes on various environmental factors and features of the reservoirs (morphometric characteristics, water and air temperature, precipitation, salinity, pH, the Wolf number, some anions and cations) was analyzed. It was revealed that the correlation was higher for the smaller on area and volume water bodies, and less – for the larger and deeper ones.
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