Dangerous invasive pest the City longhorn beetle Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky, 1871) is firstly recorded from West Kazakhstan. The finds of A. sarta from Mangystau Oblast of West Kazakhstan are currently the northernmost and westernmost localities for this species and new records for Central Asia. The finds of this species in Kyzylorda Oblast (Zhanakorgan, Baikenge and Shieli vill.) show gradual penetration of this species into the south and west of Kazakhstan, and Taraz into the southeast of the country. Thus, the species spreads across the territory of Kazakhstan both in the western and eastern directions. The reasons for the resettlement are both accidental importation with building wood and planting material, and climate warming, which allows it to gain a foothold in previously inaccessible habitats. The species composition of trees damaged by A. sarta in Kazakhstan is identified. The most populated trees were black poplar Populus nigra and silver poplar P. alba, silverberry Elaeagnus angustifolia and Siberian elm Ulmus pumila, the least populated were Sogdian ash Fraxinus sogdiana, honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos and ashleaf maple Acer negundo.
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