Dangerous invasive pest the City longhorn beetle Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky, 1871) is firstly recorded from West Kazakhstan. The finds of A. sarta from Mangystau Oblast of West Kazakhstan are currently the northernmost and westernmost localities for this species and new records for Central Asia. The finds of this species in Kyzylorda Oblast (Zhanakorgan, Baikenge and Shieli vill.) show gradual penetration of this species into the south and west of Kazakhstan, and Taraz into the southeast of the country. Thus, the species spreads across the territory of Kazakhstan both in the western and eastern directions. The reasons for the resettlement are both accidental importation with building wood and planting material, and climate warming, which allows it to gain a foothold in previously inaccessible habitats. The species composition of trees damaged by A. sarta in Kazakhstan is identified. The most populated trees were black poplar Populus nigra and silver poplar P. alba, silverberry Elaeagnus angustifolia and Siberian elm Ulmus pumila, the least populated were Sogdian ash Fraxinus sogdiana, honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos and ashleaf maple Acer negundo.
Acta Biologica Sibirica 9: 831–843 (2023) doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10069433
Corresponding author: Izbasar I. Temreshev (temreshev76@mail.ru)
Academic editor: R. Yakovlev | Received 28 September 2023 | Accepted 24 October 2023 | Published 5 November 2023
Citation: Temreshev II (2023) New records of Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky, 1871) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) in Kazakhstan. Acta Biologica Sibirica 9: 831–843. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10069433
City longhorn beetle, invasive species, new records, South and West Kazakhstan
The genus Aeolesthes Gahan, 1890 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) includes 32 species from the world (GBIF 2023) and is comprised of ten species in the Palaearctic Region (Danylevsky and Smetana 2010). Beetles from this genus are widespread in the Oriental Region and Australia (GBIF 2023). The larvae of the beetles of this genus develop on different types of trees and shrubs. Many of them are dangerous polyphagous pests of fruit and ornamental plants. One species, city longhorn beetle (sart longhorn beetle, uzbek city longhorn beetle) Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky, 1871), was known from Kazakhstan (Kostin 1973; EPPO 2005; Khan et al 2013; Temreshev and Kazenas 2015; CAPS 2020; EPPO 2022).
Aeolesthes sarta is distributed in Asia. The native area of A. sarta is Pakistan and Western India (www.cabi.org). It spread to Afghanistan and Iran, and was first found in 1911 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan (Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests). The present distribution of this species includes Afghanistan, India (Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir), Iran, Japan, South Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan (Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests; Farashiani et al 2001; Danylevsky and Smetana 2010; Khan et al 2013; Mazaheri et al 2015; Kamran et al 2017; CAPS 2020; CABI 2022; EPPO 2022; Hayat 2022; GBIF 2023; Hayat et al 2023). The food plants of the larvae of the city longhorn beetle are walnut (Juglans spp.), apple (Malus spp.), pear (Pyrus spp.), cherry and other stone fruit trees (Prunus spp.), plane trees (Platanus spp.), poplar (Populus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), elm (Ulmus spp.), locust (Robinia spp.), silverberry (Elaeagnus spp.), alder (Alnus spp.), hazelnut (Corylus spp.), quince (Cydonia spp.), mulberry (Morus spp.), maple (Acer spp.), ash (Fraxinus spp.), birch (Betula spp.), pecan (Carya spp.), chestnut (Castanea spp.), buckeye (Aesculus spp.), honey locust (Gleditsia sp.) and oak (Quercus spp.). The species can attack both healthy and stressed trees. Damage is greater where trees grow in difficult conditions (limited watering, proximity to roads, urban plantings, etc.) and are therefore less resistant to pests. Several generations of the beetles can develop on one tree for many years in a row before it dies. Young trees with thin bark are more susceptible to the pest. Larval development takes place over two years. The species can be found in mountains with altitudes up to 2,000 m (6,562 ft). Due to its polyphagous nature, the beetle is a dangerous pest of gardening and forestry. Aeolesthes sarta can spread at various life stages in unprocessed commercial wood, in wood products (packaging, fasteners, etc.), and with tree seedlings. Adults can also be carried on various surfaces and very rarely by active flight. The species is included in the list of particularly dangerous invasive pests of the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organization (Data Sheets on Quarantine Pests; Kostin 1973; Farashiani et al 2001; EPPO 2005; Temreshev and Kazenas 2015; Khan et al 2013; Mazaheri et al 2015; Kadyrov et al 2016; Kamran et al 2017; CAPS 2020; CABI 2022; EPPO 2022; Hayat 2022; Hayat et al 2023a, 2023b).
Materials and methods
The material was collected by manual method from 2015 to 2023 in South and West Kazakhstan, Turkistan, Jambyl and Mangystau Oblasts. Standard techniques (Fasulati 1971) used in entomology were used during the collection of the material. The following sources (Kostin 1973; EPPO 2005; Temreshev and Kazenas 2015; Danylevsky and Smetana 2010; Khan et al 2013; Mazaheri et al 2015; Kadyrov et al 2016; Kamran et al 2017; CAPS 2020; CABI 2022; EPPO 2022; Hayat 2022; GBIF 2023; Hayat et al 2023a, 2023b) were used for species determination of the beetles, clarification of their taxonomic position, biology and the distribution. Studied specimens are kept in the private collection of I.I. Temreshev (Almaty, Kazakhstan), with the exception of specimens (L. Abdurasulova collected), kept in the collection of Karatau state natural reserve, and specimens, collected by A.M. Makezhanov in Kentau city.
Photographs of Aeolesthes sarta and their habitat were taken with a camera Redmi 7 by author (Figs. 1, 2A, B, 3), with the exception of Figs. 2C, foto by A.M. Makezhanov. Descriptions and body measuring were performed using a Micromed MC var 1-C dissecting stereomicroscope.
For convenience as well as some geographical and administrative terms: KO– Kyzylorda Oblast, MO - Mangystau Oblast, JO – Jambyl Oblast, TО – Turkistan Oblast, KCA - Kentau city, d. – district, ex. – exemplar, mt. – mounts, nei. – neighborhoods, v. – village.
As a result of the research, distribution of the city longhorn beetle has been clarified in Kazakhstan, and the list of trees on which they are found is clarified.
Aeolesthes sarta (Solsky 1871)
= Pachydissus sartus Solsky, 1871
= Trirachys sartus (Solsky, 1871)
Figs 1, 2
Material examined. 1 ♂, 1 ♀ - 31.05.2006, TO, KCA, Karatau ridge, Bayaldyr gorge, L. Abdurasulova; 1 ♂, 3 ♀ – 16.06.2015, South Kazakhstan, TO, Ordabasy d., Bogen v., shore of Bogen reservoir, on the bark of silverberry Elaeagnus angustifolia L., 1753 and white willow Salix alba L., 1753, 42°42'48.28" N 68°59'56.59" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♀ – 28.08.2015, South Kazakhstan, TO, Shymkent city, dead on the road, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♂ – 3.03.2015, South Kazakhstan, TO, Shymkent city, fruit garden, apple Malus domestica L., 1753, M.V. Kulemin; 5 ♂, 7 ♀ – 9.06.2016, TO, Tolebi d., nei. to Mayatas v., shore of Badam reservoir, under the bark field elm Ulmus minor Mill. (1768), silver poplar Populus alba L., 1753 and black poplar Populus nigra L., 1753, 42°13'34.52" N 69°45'42.57" E, I.I. Temreshev; 2 ♂, 6 ♀ – 9.06.2016, TO, Shymkent city, green space, under the bark European white elm Ulmus laevis Pall., field elm U. minor and silver poplar P. alba, 42°18'3.81" N 69°36'23.72" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ex. larva III instar, 1 ♂ – 27.02.2017, South Kazakhstan, TO, Shymkent city, fruit garden, under the bark of apricot Prunus armeniaca (L., 1753) and apple M. domes- tica, B.K. Kulmagambetov; 2 ♂ – 21.10.2017, South Kazakhstan, KO, Zhanakorgan d., nei. Zhanakorgan v., under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, 43°55'8.25" N 67°14'14.61" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♂ 1 ♀ – 21.10.2017, South Kazakhstan, KO, Zhanakorgan d., nei. Baikenge v., under the bark of white willow S. alba, 43°53'32.41" N 66°55'19.32" E, I.I. Temreshev; 2 ♂, 4 ♀ – 18.10.2019, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Ashysai v., fruit garden, under the bark of European white elm U. laevis, apricot P. armeniaca and apple M. domestica, 43°32'45.78" N 68°53'55.95" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 3 ♂, 4 ♀ – 18.10.2019, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Bayaldyr v., forest belt, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, silver poplar P. alba and black poplar P. nigra, 43°32'46.24" N 68°29'10.25" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 4 ♂, 5 ♀ – 19.10.2019, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Karnak v., forest belt, under the bark of field elm U. minor, silver poplar P. alba and black poplar P. nigra, 43°30'34.21" N 68°22'34.58" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 12 ♂, 13 ♀ – 13.03.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Kentau city, city green spaces, under the bark of Siberian elm Ulmus pumila L., field elm U. minor, silver poplar P. alba, black locust Robinia pseudoacacia L., 1753 and honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos L., 43°29'17.97" N 68°27'37.93" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 6 ♂, 9 ♀ – 24.05.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Kentau city, city green spaces, under the bark of Siberian elm U. pumila, field elm U. minor, silver poplar P. alba and apple M. domestica, 43°27'8.37" N 68°29'3.30" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 1 ♂, 2 ♀ – 26.10.2019, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Ashysai v., forest belt, under the bark of white willow S. alba and silver poplar P. alba, 43°31'03" N 68°50'41" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 4 ♂, 2 ♀ – 28.05.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Khantagy v., green spaces, under the bark of field elm U. minor, silver poplar P. alba and black poplar P. nigra, 43°31'40.70" N 68°37'0.83" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 4 ♂, 2 ♀ – 29.05.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Khantagy v., forest belt, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, silver poplar P. alba and black poplar P. nigra, 43°31'59.04" N 68°37'34.61" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 2 ♂, 4 ♀ – 26.08.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Burgem v., forest belt, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, silver poplar P. alba and black poplar P. nigra, 43°30'14.73" N 68°28'22.80" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 2 ♂, 4 ♀ – 27.08.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Burgem v., forest belt, under the bark of silver poplar P. alba and black poplar P. nigra, 43°30'36.60" N 68°28'44.62" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 1 ♂, 3 ♀ – 28.08.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA KCA, Kusshy ata v., forest belt, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia and black poplar P. nigra, 43°26'53.93" N 68°26'10.87" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ – 28.08.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Kusshy ata v., forest belt, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, 43°26'23.03" N 68°25'38.23" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 2 ♀ – 29.08.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Orangai v., forest belt, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, 43°21'55.42" N 68°21'49.41" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 1 ♂, 1 ♀ – 29.08.2020, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Orangai v., forest belt, under the bark of black poplar P. nigra, 43°24'15.50" N 68°21'40.66" E, I.I. Temreshev, A.M. Makezhanov; 2 ex. larva III instar, 6 male, 6 ♀ – 7.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., forest belt, under the bark of dead Siberian elm U. pumila, 41°30'10.45" N 69°21'54.99" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev; 5 ♂, 7 ♀ – 7.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., forest belt, under the bark of dead Siberian elm U. pumila, silver poplar P. alba, and white willow S. alba, 41°29'6.38" N 69°15'16.76" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev, N. Seitkalieva; 3 ex. larva III instar, 3 ♂, 4 ♀ – 8.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., forest belt in nei. of apple orchard, under the bark of dead Siberian elm U. pumila, ashleaf maple Acer negundo L. and apple M. domestica, 42°20'24.48" N 69°57'34.88" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev; 3 ex. larva III instar, 6 ♂, 9 ♀ – 8.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., nei. of Nizamabad v., forest belt, under the bark of dead Siberian elm U. pumila, black locust R. pseudoacacia and ashleaf maple A. negundo, 42°19'59.82" N 69°57'37.93" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev, N. Seitkalieva; 1 ex. larva III instar, 4 ♂, 6 ♀ – 8.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., nei. of Akbulak v., forest belt, under the bark of dead Siberian elm U. pumila, European white elm U. laevis, black locust R. pseudoacacia and honey locust G. triacanthos, 42°22'18.03" N 69°57'57.82" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev, N. Seitkalieva; 2 ex. larva III instar, 2 ♂, 3 ♀ – 8.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., nei. of Akbulak v., forest belt, under the bark of dead Siberian elm U. pumila, black locust R. pseudoacacia and silver poplar P. alba, 42°22'18.03" N 69°57'57.82" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev, N. Seitkalieva; 3 ♂, 5 ♀ – 9.12.2021, TO, Sairam d., nei. of Akbulak v., poplar garden, under the bark of European white elm U. laevis, black poplar P. nigra and silver poplar P. alba, 42°22'18.03" N 69°57'57.82" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev, N. Seitkalieva; 1 ex. larva III instar, 3 ♂, 3 ♀ – 9.12.2021, TO, Tolebi d., shore of Badam reservoir, under the bark of P. nigra and Siberian elm U. pumila, 42°12'17.33" N 69°45'55.45" E, I.I. Temreshev; 3 ♂, 1 ♀ – 10.12.2021, TO, Shardara d., shore of Shardara reservoir, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, 41°14'53.01" N 67°58'17.15" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ex. larva III instar, 5 ♂, 4 ♀ – 11.09.2021, South Kazakhstan, TO, Saryagash d., Zhibek Zholy v., forest belt, under the bark of ashleaf maple A. negundo, Sogdiana ash Fraxinus sogdiana Bunge, apricot P. armeniaca and black poplar P. nigra, 41°29'49.82" N 69°20'37.80" E, I.I. Temreshev, M. Tolykbaev, N. Seitkalieva; 3 ♂, 4 ♀ – 8.09.2022, TO, Shardara d., shore of Shardara reservoir, under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, 41°14'53.01" N 67°58'17.15" E, I.I. Temreshev; 5 ♂, 7 ♀ – 9.09.2022, South Kazakhstan, TO, Saryagash d., Zhibek Zholy v., forest belt, under the bark of white willow S. alba, black poplar P. nigra and M. domestica, 42°21'49.74" N 69°55'52.15" E, I.I. Temreshev; 4 ♂, 3 ♀ – 9.09.2022, South Kazakhstan, TO, Saryagash d., Zhibek Zholy v., forest belt, under the bark of Sogdiana ash F. sogdiana, black poplar P. nigra, apricot P. armeniaca and M. domestica, 41°31'11.79" N 69°23'29.78" E, I.I. Temreshev; 2 ♂, 2 ♀ – 10.09.2022, South Kazakhstan, TO, Kazygurt d., Kazygurt mt., under the bark of withe willow S. alba, 42° 2'17.32" N 69°39'32.53" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♀ – 11.03.2022, MO, Karakiya d., nei. of Zhanaozen city, shore of the sewage reservoir, dead under bark of field elm U. minor, 43°20'17.81" N 52°48'53.16" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♂, 2 ♀ – 13.03.2022, West Kazakhstan, MO, Karakiya d., Zhanaozen city, dead under bark of apricot P. armeniaca, 43°20'21.43" N 52°51'15.81" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♂ – 29.03.2022, South Kazakhstan, KO, Shieli d., Shieli v., under the bark of silverberry E. angustifolia, 44°12'1.84" N 66°43'33.60" E, I.I. Temreshev; 1 ♀ – 6.08.2022, Jambyl oblast, Taraz city, 42°52'21.87" N 71°22'35.53" E, dead on the ground, I.I. Temreshev; 3 ♂, 4 ♀ – 18.04.2022, South Kazakhstan, TO, Kazygurt d., Ashybulak v., forest belt, under the bark of black poplar P. nigra, Siberian elm U. pumila, European white elm U. laevis and white willow S. alba, 41°47'51.63" N 69°23'30.88" E, I.I. Temreshev; 2 ♂, 3 ♀ – 19.04.2023, South Kazakhstan, TO, Shymkent city, forest belt, under the bark of black poplar P. nigra and Siberian elm U. pumila, 42°17'58.62" N 69°39'4.18" E, I.I. Temreshev; 3 ♂, 4 ♀ – 9.05.2023, South Kazakhstan, TO, KCA, Kentau city, city green spaces, under the bark of Siberian elm U. pumila, field elm U. minor, and silver poplar P. alba, 43°29'17.97" N 68°27'37.93" E, A.M. Makezhanov.
The species composition of trees damaged by the city longhorn beetle in Kazakhstan was identified. The most populated trees were black poplar Populus nigra and silver poplar P. alba, silverberry Elaeagnus angustifolia and Siberian elm U. pumila, the least populated were Sogdiana ash Fraxinus sogdiana, honey locust Gleditsia triacanthos and ashleaf maple Acer negundo (Figs 3, 4).
The finds of A. sarta from Mangystau oblast of West Kazakhstan are currently the northernmost and westernmost localities for this species and new record for Central Asia. The finds of a species in the Kyzylorda oblast (Zhanakorgan, Baikenge and Shieli village) speaks of its gradual penetration into the south and west of the country. The finds of a city longhorn beetle in the city of Taraz speaks of its gradual penetration into the southeast of the country (Figs 5, 6).
Findings of Aeolesthes sarta in Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Mangystau Oblasts of Republic of Kazakhstan show that the species is actively spreading throughout the country. At the same time, settlement occurs both in the eastern and western directions. Several factors contribute to the spread of the species. The first is the ongoing climate changes, which allow the species to gain a foothold in new places. This can also be seen in other insects that are external and internal invaders in Kazakhstan, for example various seed beetles Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky, 1874), Callosobruchus phaseoli (Gyllenhal, 1833), Megabruchidius dorsalis Fahreus, 1839, and some other stock pests, Asian giant mantes Hierodula tenuidentata Saussure, 1869, Oriental hornet Vespa orientalis Linnaeus, 1761, Polistes wattii Cameron, 1900, etc. (Temreshev 2016a, 2016b, 2017a, 2017, 2023b; Temreshev and Makezhanov 2019; Temreshev and Kazenas 2020). The second is the increased volume of transportation of agricultural products, tree seedlings, timber, etc. within the country, together with which it is possible to penetrate into other areas of the country from already populated. Various stem pests can be an example here (Acanthocinus griseus (Fabricius, 1793), Rhagium inquisitor (Linnaeus, 1758), Ips sexdentatus (I.C.H. Boerner, 1776), Dryocoetes autographus Eichhoff, 1864, Sirex noctilio Fabricius, 1773, Sirex juvencus (Linnaeus, 1758)), ant-lovings crickets Myrmecophilus acervorum (Panzer, 1799) and M. crenatus Gorochov, 1986, etc. (Ismuhambetov 1964; Temreshev 2015, 2017b, 2023; Kazenas and Temreshev 2016; Kazenas et al. 2016). Thirdly, in already known places of distribution of the pest, targeted control is not carried out. Currently, most of the forest belts and urban plantings of deciduous trees in the Turkistan oblast are damaged by the city longhorn beetle. Damage is often caused together with another dangerous stem pest - the goat moth Cossus cossus (Linnaeus, 1758), which aggravates the condition of trees and accelerates their death. About 80% of trees in such plantings need urgent treatment against the pest. However, no protective measures are taken except for private fruit growing farms. In Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Mangystau Oblasts, where the species entered relatively recently, the situation is not so critical. However, careful monitoring of tree plantations and control of the number and distribution of Aeolesthes sarta is required within the framework of a separate scientific project. Monitoring invasive forest insects is important for their control (Ismuhambetov 1964; Kazenas et al 2016; Lakatos et al. 2023). Since the species is a dangerous invasive polyphagous pest, in the event of further uncontrolled spread and reproduction of the longhorned beetle on the territory of Kazakhstan, the damage from it will be very large.
The work was carried out within the framework of the project "Works on environmental design JSC Intergas Central Asia". Author thanks to Bakytzhan Kulmagambetovich Kulmagambetov (Shymkent, Kazakhstan) and Maxim Viktorovich Kulemin (Shymkent, Kazakhstan) for the provided material, to Arman Makezhanov (Almaty, Kazakhstan), Murat Tolykbaev and Nazira Seitkalieva (JSC «Intergas Central Asia», Uralsk, Kazakhstan) for help in collecting material and foto, and to doctor of biological sciences Andrei Aleksandrovich Legalov (Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, Novosibirsk, Russia) for the valuable comments that improved the manuscript.
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Temreshev II (2020) First record of the ant-loving cricket Myrmecophilus crenatus Gorochov, 1986 (Orthoptera, Myrmecophilidae) in Kazakhstan. Acta Biologica Sibirica 6: 407–412. https://doi.org/10.3897/abs.6.e54135
Temreshev II (2023) Three new for the fauna of West Kazakhstan species of the orders Mantodea, Orthoptera and Embioptera. Acta Biologica Sibirica 9: 349–359. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7889226
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Temreshev II, Kazenas VL (2020) Callosobruchus phaseoli (Gyllenhal, 1833) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae): a new invasive species in Kazakhstan. Acta Biologica Sibirica 6: 87–92. https://doi.org/10.3897/abs.6.e53070
Temreshev II, Makezhanov AM (2019) Expansion of invasive seed beetle Megabruchidius dorsalis Fahreus, 1839 (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) in the Turkestan Region (South Kazakhstan). Acta Biologica Sibirica 5 (4): 1–4. http://dx.doi.org/10.14258/abs.v5.i4.6722[In Russian]
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Temreshev II, Valieva BG (2016b) Invasion of the seed-beetles Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky, 1874) (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae, Bruchinae) to Kazakhstan. Eurasian Entomological Journal 15 (6): 527–529. [In Russian]