Specific peculiarities of woody-tree radial growth in icing areas of the Altai mountains
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Bykov, N. I., Rygalova, N. V., & Shigimaga, A. A. (2023). Specific peculiarities of woody-tree radial growth in icing areas of the Altai mountains. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 9, 987–1001. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10255096


The following features of the radial growth of Picea obovata L., Larix sibirica L., and Pinus sibirica Du Tour in the icing areas of Altai were analyzed: changes in growth along the trunk height, synchronicity of individual tree-ring chronologies, and sensitivity of generalized chronologies. The dependence of the width of the annual rings of the studied trees using such indicators as the volume and area of icing, the date of gathering of icing and the index of the intensity of icing formation was established. For the analysis, data from the state hydrometeorological station, remote sensing of Earth, literary sources, and materials from our own dendrochronological works were used.

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