Astragalus cephalotes Banks & Sol. – a new species for the Republic of Azerbaijan
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Ganbarov, D. S., Aslanova, Y. A., & Matsyura, A. V. (2024). Astragalus cephalotes Banks & Sol. – a new species for the Republic of Azerbaijan. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 465-470.


New species Astragalus cephalotes Banks & Sol. is reported to the flora of the Republic of Azerbaijan. We sampled it in Safdara, Kechili village (Shahbuz district, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic) in mountain xerophytic community in 2016. Considering species current status and distribution we suggested include it in the future edition of the Red Data Book of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Nakhchivan with status VU, A2c+3c and with IUCN status 2016-LC.
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