Overview of Trematodes (Trematoda) of mammals in Uzbekistan


Trematode fauna

How to Cite

Shakarboev, E. B., Jumamuratov, J. E., & Khosilova, G. A. (2024). Overview of Trematodes (Trematoda) of mammals in Uzbekistan. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 10, 677–692. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12672756


Based on the research and the analysis of literary data, we identified 27 species of trematodes from 19 genera, 12 families and 7 orders, which parasitise mammals in Uzbekistan. The families Brachylaemiidae and Paramphistomatidae, with 6 and 5 species, respectively, showed the highest species diversity. These two families contained 40.7% of all recorded trematode species infecting mammals. The families Fasciolidae and Echinostomatidae include 3 species each, Dicrocoeliidae and Plagiorchidae – 2 species each, with 1 trematode species in each of the remaining 6 families.




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