Distribution and population densities of selected uncommon bird species in Zambezi riparian forest, NE Namibia
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Kopij, G. (2019). Distribution and population densities of selected uncommon bird species in Zambezi riparian forest, NE Namibia. Acta Biologica Sibirica, 5(4), 5-11. https://doi.org/10.14258/abs.v5.i4.6724


A territory mapping method has been employed in 2015 to assess the population density of 8 non-passerine and 10 passerine uncommon bird species breeding in a peri-urban riparian forest (280 ha) along Zambezi River (7 km long) near Katima Mulilo NE Namibia. The population densities (pairs per 100 ha) are estimated as follows: Trumpeter Hornbill: 1.4, Schalow’s Turaco: 2.9, Green-backer Heron: 1.1, Little Bittern: 0.4, Lesser Jacana: 0.4, African Finfoot: 0.4, White-crowned Lapwing: 0.7, Long-billed Crombec: 3.9, Yellow White-eye: 4.3, Scarlet-chested Sunbird: 0.7, African Golden Oriole: 2.9, Black-headed Oriole: 0.7, Violet-backed Starling: 0.7, Pied Wagtail: 8.6, Ashy Flycatcher: 0.4, Black Flycatcher: 0.4, Hartlaub’s Babbler: 4.3.

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