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soil cultivation
agrotechnical methods of controlling

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The optimum modes of soil mechanical cultivation for the control of weeds community and milkweed abundance in particular have been established by means of hierarchical procedures of statistical analysis. The one-time mechanical destruction of weeds by regular ploughing or disk plowing increased the weeds contamination in non-cultivated lands by 22.3 and 26.65 percent respectively. Cultivation which was applied after the plowing led to decrease by 37.42 percent an aggregate number of weeds; cultivation after disk flowing decreased the number of weeds by 44.58 percent. The second cultivation was applied after the plowing and provided destruction of 70.1 percent weeds in comparison with the control and 52.2 percent in comparison with the first cultivation. The application of ploughing after the disk plowing and cultivation leads to decrease in weeds number by 73.69 percent compared with the control and by 52.52 percent compared with consecutive disk plowing and cultivation. One-time cultivation did not influence the number of milkweed in weeds community. Application of cultivation after the plowing reduced the common milkweed abundance by 19.2 percent and by 13.03 percent after the disk plowing. The third soil cultivation did not influence the selective destruction of common milkweed.
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