UDC 615.322:577.112.3:543.632.4

  • Dildora Kakhramonovna Pulatova Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Abrorbek Isroiljonovich Mamasoliev Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Flyura Faridovna Urmanova Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Shokhbozmirzo Buvajon ogli Murotov Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:


The article is devoted studying of free amino acids and elemental composition of common barley grains cultivated in Uzbekistan and its dry extract.

When conducting a comparative analysis of the amino acid composition of barley grains and its dry extract, their identity in qualitative composition was established – 20 amino acids, of which 8 are essential. The presence of all essential amino acids in the studied objects indicates their usefulness and high value as medicinal plant raw materials. It was found that the dry extract by the content of the sum of amino acids (7.71 mg/g) is almost 3 times higher than the grains (2.89 mg/g). But the percentage of the sum of essential amino acids from the total number of amino acids in the dry extract (20.36%) is 1.7 times less than in grains (35.29%).

As a result of the conducted research in common barley grains and dry extract based on them, the presence of 41 mineral elements was found. Toxic heavy metals (As, Pb, Hg, Cd), which are subject to priority control, in the raw materials and dry extract under study are determined within the acceptable values adopted by the World Health Organization and in the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation XIII edition for medicinal plant raw materials and preparations based on it, which indicates their environmental safety.

The obtained data will be in demand for the chemical characterization of raw materials and dry extract and their subsequent standardization.


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Биографии авторов

Dildora Kakhramonovna Pulatova, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Candidate of Pharmaceuitical Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy

Abrorbek Isroiljonovich Mamasoliev, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Doctoral student of the Department of Pharmacognosy

Flyura Faridovna Urmanova, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Doctor of Pharmaceuitical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy

Shokhbozmirzo Buvajon ogli Murotov, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacognosy


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Как цитировать
1. Pulatova D. K., Mamasoliev A. I., Urmanova F. F., Murotov S. B. ogli STUDY OF FREE AMINO ACIDS AND ELEMENTAL COMPOSITION OF COMMON BARLEY GRAINS AND ITS DRY EXTRACT // Химия растительного сырья, 2023. № 1. С. 233-238. URL:
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