IV International Biotechnology Forum BIOAsia-Altai, September 23-28, 2024, Barnaul


Dear Colleagues!

We are sending a second information letter and invite you to take part in the IV International Biotechnology Forum “BIOAsia-Altai”, which will take place on September 23–28, 2024 in Barnaul at the Altai State University.

The purpose of the event is to discuss current issues in the development of biotechnology and present scientific achievements in promising areas of industrial, agricultural, food, and environmental biotechnology.

Official website of the Forum: https://bioasia.asu.ru/

Official mail of the Forum: bioasia@asu.ru


Organizational matters:

Kurenkova Svetlana Sergeevna(3852) 291-252 (ext. 1).E-mail: sokolovasvetlana.93@mail.ruQuestions related to registration for the Forum:

Belorukov Maxim Viktorovich(3852) 291-252 (ext. 2).E-mail: belorukov87@yandex.ru