UDC 615.322:547.913(571)

  • Tatʹyana Eduardovna Skrebets Northern (Actic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov Email: t.skrebets@narfu.ru
  • Artem Dmitriyevich Ivakhnov Northern (Actic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov Email: tskrebets@mail.ru
  • Hurshed Begmahmudovich Mamatmurodov Northern (Actic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov Email: khurshedjon906@gmail.com
Keywords: bird cherry, oil, composition, supercritical fluid extraction, carbon dioxide, rotary plan, optimization


Cherry cake berries, which is a waste of liquor production, contain biologically active substances, including lipids, which are not extracted by ethanol in the main production. Supercritical carbon dioxide is a good extractant for such compounds. By method of full factor experiment using rotatable uniform-plan of the second order, process of optimization of extraction of cherry oil from processed berries by method of supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide was carried out. During planning, the pressure of 250 atm, temperature of 60 °C, hydraulic module 25 are selected as the main levels. To increase the accuracy of optimization, additional coefficients are sequentially included based on the Fisher test not increasing. Analysis of the regression equation made it possible to establish optimal process parameters: temperature 70 °C, pressure 350 atm, hydraulic module 33 at oil yield 1.4% (extraction degree 85%). The relative model error was 1%. Acid, iodine, ether numbers, saponification number, as well as organoleptic indices are determined for the obtained product. The obtained product is enriched with triacylglycerides, free fatty acids and low-molecular organic acids and contains a small amount of unsaturated higher carboxylic acids compared to oil isolated by extraction in a Soxlet apparatus with hexane.


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Author Biographies

Tatʹyana Eduardovna Skrebets, Northern (Actic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov

доцент кафедры теоретической и прикладной химии

Artem Dmitriyevich Ivakhnov, Northern (Actic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov

старший научный сотрудник Центра коллективного пользования научным оборудованием «Арктика»

Hurshed Begmahmudovich Mamatmurodov, Northern (Actic) federal university named after M.V.Lomonosov



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How to Cite
1. Skrebets T. E., Ivakhnov A. D., Mamatmurodov H. B. OPTIMIZATION OF BIRD CHERRY OIL SUPERCRITICAL FLUID EXTRACTION PROCESS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2022. № 2. P. 279-285. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/10520.