UDC 615.074: 615.322

  • Alona Vladimirovna Lyozina St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Inna Ivanovna Terninko St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Yuliya Eduardovna Generalova St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Sakhoba Salomudinovna Dzhaborova Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino Email:
Keywords: salidroside, tyrosol, rosarin, Rhodiola rosea, Rhodiola quadrifida, Rhodiola heterodonta, HPLC, HPTLC


Plants of the genus Rhodiola (Crasulaceae) are actively used in folk medicine around the world. The most studied representative of this genus is Rhodiola rosea L., which is an official species in the Russian Federation. But in the folk medicine of Russia and China, other species of the genus Rhodiola are also used. Thus, in the southern part of Eastern Siberia, Rhodiola quadrifida (Pall.) Fisch et Mey is very popular., in Central Asia - Rhodiola heterodonta (Hook. f. & Thomson) Boriss. To introduce these species of the genus Rhodiola into official medicine, it is necessary to determine marker compounds and select standardization criteria. The purpose of this work was to study phenolic alcohols and their glycosides, established as genus specific, in Rhodiola quadrifida and Rhodiola heterodonta in comparison with Rhodiola rosea by high performance thin layer and liquid chromatography. It has been established that rosarin is characteristic only for R. rosea, while salidroside and tyrosol quantitatively prevail in R. heterodonta and R. quadrifida. Based on the obtained results, it can be assumed that the differences in the chromatographic profile of the studied species can be used to confirm the identity, and the identified compounds can be used to standardize the indicated Rhodiola species.


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Author Biographies

Alona Vladimirovna Lyozina, St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University


Inna Ivanovna Terninko, St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

профессор кафедры фармацевтической химии, начальник ИЛ (ЦКК ЛС)

Yuliya Eduardovna Generalova, St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

научный сотрудник

Sakhoba Salomudinovna Dzhaborova, Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino



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How to Cite
1. Lyozina A. V., Terninko I. I., Generalova Y. E., Dzhaborova S. S. ANALYSIS OF GENUS SPECIFIC PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS IN PLANTS OF THE GENUS RHODIOLA SPP. IN A COMPARATIVE ASPECT // chemistry of plant raw material, 2022. № 3. P. 187-193. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds