UDC 547.562.1+615
The article provides information on the synthesis of new derivatives of gossypol, their modification in order to obtain water-soluble complexes, as well as the analysis of their physicochemical and structural properties. In the above work, three iminoazo derivatives of gossypol were synthesized for the first time, on the basis of which water-soluble complexes were obtained. In the synthesis of gossypol derivatives, heterylamines were used as substituents on the aldehyde group and on the C-4 atoms of gossypol. The physicochemical properties of the synthesized water-soluble complexes were studied by UV and IR spectrometric methods and their structure was analyzed.
A comparative analysis of the UV spectra of iminoazo derivatives and complexes of gossypol derivatives with poly-N-vinylpyrrolidone (N-PVP) showed a slight shift in the main absorption maxima. In addition, various electronic transitions associated with functional groups in gossypol derivatives and N-PVP molecules were observed. This suggested that a complex compound was formed. In order to confirm the structure of the complexes of iminoazo derivatives of gossypol with N-PVP, a comparative study of them with intermediate compounds by IR spectroscopic analysis was carried out and the most probable structures of the obtained compounds were shown.
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