UDC 547.915:665.3

  • Khusniddin Nomonjon ogli Saminov Ferghana State Unversity Email:
  • Alijan Aminovich Ibragimov Ferghana State Unversity Email:
  • Nigora Karimovna Yuldasheva Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, AS RUz Email:
  • Svetlana Dmitriyevna Gusakova Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, AS RUz Email:
  • Otabek Mamadalievich Nazarov Ferghana State Unversity Email:
Keywords: Punica granatum L., lipids, polar lipids, fatty acids, gas chromatography, conjugated α-linolenic acids, punicic acid


This article presents the results of a study of the fatty acid composition of lipids of Punica granatum L. variety "Kayum", growing in the Kuva district of the Fergana region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The fatty acid composition of pomegranate seed lipids after conversion of the corresponding fatty acids into methyl esters was determined on an Agilent 6890 N gas chromatograph with a flame ionization detector using an HP-5 capillary column with a stationary phase. Neutral lipids were extracted from air-dried crushed seeds in gasoline using a Soxhlet apparatus. Chromatographic analysis of the oil made it possible to establish the presence of 18 saturated and unsaturated higher fatty acids. Seed oil of Punica granatum L. variety "Kayum" contains the richest set of unsaturated (total 94%) and saturated (total 6%) fatty acids. The main component of pomegranate seed oil is punicic acid (51.25%). Along with punicic acid, α-eleostearic (13.09%), β-eleostearic (10.36%) and catalpic acids (4.55%) were found, which belong to conjugated α-linolenic acids. Among unsaturated fatty acids, α-linoleic (7.15%) and oleic (6.51%) acids were also found. Saturated fatty acids are mainly represented by palmitic (3.11%), stearic (2.10%) and arachidonic (0.58%) acids. The remaining saturated and saturated fatty acids were characterized by a low content. The composition of fatty acids of polar glyco- and phospholipids was determined. Thus, the results of the study can provide valuable information for the development of drugs and nutritional supplements based on pomegranate seed oil of the variety"Kayum".


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Author Biographies

Khusniddin Nomonjon ogli Saminov, Ferghana State Unversity

преподаватель кафедры химии

Alijan Aminovich Ibragimov, Ferghana State Unversity

доктор химических наук, профессор, профессор кафедры химии

Nigora Karimovna Yuldasheva, Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, AS RUz

доктор философии по химическим наукам, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории химии липидов

Svetlana Dmitriyevna Gusakova, Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances, AS RUz

доктор химических наук, профессор, главный научный сотрудник лаборатории химии липидов

Otabek Mamadalievich Nazarov, Ferghana State Unversity

доктор философии по химическим наукам, доцент кафедры химии


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How to Cite
1. Saminov K. N. ogli, Ibragimov A. A., Yuldasheva N. K., Gusakova S. D., Nazarov O. M. SEED LIPIDS OF PUNICA GRANATUM L. CULTIVAR "KAYUM", GROWING IN UZBEKISTAN // chemistry of plant raw material, 2023. № 1. P. 207-215. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds