UDC 543.064: 615.32: 663.952
The paper considers the antioxidant properties of water and alcohol extractions of fermented and unfermented fireweed of the narrow-leaved fireweed family (Chamerion Angustifolium Onagraceae), St.), bitter wormwood (Artemisia absintium L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense). The effect of the fermentation process, solvent, and extraction time on antioxidant activity (AOA) was studied. A comparative assessment of the antioxidant properties of medicinal plants of the Perm region was carried out. Using the potentiometric method, it was found that the AOA values of water extracts of fireweed angustifolia increase with the time of extraction. Fireweed weakly fermented (finely ground) and fermented (finely ground) have the highest AOA values during extraction within 24 hours. Shoots of young fireweed angustifolia have very low AOA values compared to unfermented and fermented samples. The AOA of aqueous extracts of medicinal plants increases with the time of their extraction. Oregano has the highest AOA value – 2.78×10-2 mol-equiv, and red clover has the lowest value – 0.37×10-2 mol-equiv. The highest value of AOA among mixtures of medicinal plants has a mixture of oregano with fermented fireweed (finely ground) – 2.52×10-2 mol-equiv. It has been established that extracts prepared from 40% ethanol solution for fireweed angustifolia and 20 and 40% for oregano have the highest AOA values. The AOA values for the alcohol extract of oregano increase depending on the time of its extraction.
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