UDC 544.723
The literature data on the use of agricultural waste, mandarin peel (Citrus reticulata) as a sorption material for the removal of various pollutants, mainly metal and metalloid ions and dyes from aqueous media, are summarized. The review, based on the analysis of various literary sources, provides information on the volume of waste generation from the processing of citrus fruits, including tangerines. Information is given on the content of various chemical compounds in the composition of tangerine peel. Ways of using mandarin peel in various branches of industrial production are shown. Information on the values of the maximum sorption capacity of the peel of tangerines for pollutants is given. It has been determined that adsorption isotherms of various pollutants by tangerine peel are in most cases described by the Langmuir model, and the kinetics of the process in most cases corresponds to a pseudo-second order model. The possibility of obtaining carbonizates and activated carbons from the peel of Citrus reticulate and the use of the latter as sorbents of heavy metal ions and dyes from aqueous media is shown. It is shown that it is possible to increase the sorption parameters of tangerine peel powder and carbonizates for various pollutants by chemical modification with various reagents.
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