UDC 641.5

  • Aleksandr Valer'yevich Arisov Ural State Economic University Email:
  • Anton Vladimirovich Vyatkin Ural State Economic University Email:
  • Margarita Germanovna Isakova Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
  • Tat'yana Nikolayevna Slepneva Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Email:
Keywords: fruit and berry raw materials, ussuri plum, blackthorn, antioxidant activity, food systems, processing and storage


The article presents the results of a study of the antioxidant complex in the fruits of 11 plum varieties growing in the Sverdlovsk region, including 6 varieties of Ussuri plum (Prunus ussuriensis) and 5 varieties of blackthorn (Prunus insititia). As a result of studies of antioxidant indicators, the values of antioxidant activity were, mmol / dm3 eq, in blackthorn from 21.748±0.652 to 52.404±1.572 (highest value in the variety "Iset", the lowest value in the variety "Sergo"); in the plum of Ussuri from 4.713±0.141 to 23.993±0.720 (highest value in the variety "Iset", the lowest value in the variety "Sergo"); in the plum of Ussuri from 4.713±0.141 to 23.993±0.720 (highest value in the variety "Dostoynaya", the smallest in the variety "Uralsky Zori"); especially it is possible to highlight the promising form of thorns "23-15" with a value of 81.220±2.437. At the same time, the content of flavonoids was, mg / 100 g of the edible part, in blackthorn from 333.968±10.019 to 504.729±15.142; in Ussuri plum from 72.374±2.171 to 368.442±11.053. The highest value of this indicator is 647.235±19.417 mg/100 g in the perspective form of blackthorn "23-15".



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Author Biographies

Aleksandr Valer'yevich Arisov, Ural State Economic University

кандидат технических наук, доцент кафедры технологий питания

Anton Vladimirovich Vyatkin, Ural State Economic University

кандидат технических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры туристического бизнеса и гостеприимства

Margarita Germanovna Isakova, Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

старший научный сотрудник

Tat'yana Nikolayevna Slepneva, Ural Federal Agrarian Research Center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

руководитель, младший научный сотрудник


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How to Cite
1. Arisov A. V., Vyatkin A. V., Isakova M. G., Slepneva T. N. STUDY OF THE ANTIOXIDANT COMPLEX OF PLUM FRUITS PRUNUS USSURIENSIS AND PRUNUS INSITITIA IN THE SVERDLOVSK REGION // chemistry of plant raw material, 2023. № 4. P. 353-360. URL:
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