UDK 547.672. 633.511:631.8

  • Kamola Negmatilloevna Nuridullaeva Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Ekut Saidkarimovna Karieva Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute Email:
  • Ravshanjon Muratdjanovich Khalilov Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz Email:


The object of the present research is to select an effective method and optimal conditions for the extraction of inulin from the roots of the Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Wigg.).

There were used 4 methods of extraction and five degrees of grinding of plant raw materials to study the process of inulin extraction from dandelion root. Based on the results of dry extract yield and inulin content (%), extraction with forced circulation of the extractant was chosen as the optimal method, and the recommended degree of grinding of the raw material was 4-8 mm. Afterwards, experiments were optimized using the method of mathematical planning of experiments according to Box-Wilson method to evaluate the degree of influence of the extraction hydromodule, the rate of the extractant circulation, process temperature, and duration of inulin extraction from dandelion roots by maceration with forced circulation. The following optimal extraction modes were established: the extraction agent is purified water, the process temperature is 80 ° C, the hydromodule is 1:5, the extractant circulation rate is 90 l/h,  the extraction time is 5 hours. Based on the results of studies, it is proposed a threefold extraction of inulin from dandelion roots with infusion at the first contact phases - 4 hours, at the second and third - 3 hours each.

The established extraction conditions made it possible to achieve 95.5% extraction of inulin from plant materials.


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Author Biographies

Kamola Negmatilloevna Nuridullaeva, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Doctor of Philosophy in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD), Associate Professor

Ekut Saidkarimovna Karieva, Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department

Ravshanjon Muratdjanovich Khalilov, Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances. acad. S.Yu. Yunusov AS RUz

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Leading Researcher


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How to Cite
1. Nuridullaeva K. N., Karieva E. S., Khalilov R. M. The ОПТИМИЗАЦИЯ ПРОЦЕССА ЭКСТРАКЦИИ ИНУЛИНА ИЗ КОРНЕЙ ОДУВАНЧИКА ЛЕКАРСТВЕННОГО (TARAXACUM OFFICINALE WIGG.) // chemistry of plant raw material, 2024. № 2. P. 374-384. URL: