UDC 674.032.475.4:575.21:615.322
Pinus sylvestris is the most widespread species in Central, Northern, Western Europe, Russia, Kazakhstan and some other Asian countries. Its lumber, needles, branches are used in industry, buds and essential oil are used in medicine and parapharmaceuticals. Due to the fact that many commercial areas are located in the zone of intensive economic activity, the quality of raw materials, the assessment of the essential oil content and the composition of the major components of the oil are important.
The raw materials for the study were prepared in Russia and Kazakhstan. The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation was analyzed by the GLC-MS method.
It was found that in 59% of samples of buds essential oil from Siberia, the major substance is Δ3-karen, in 13% – α-pinene, in 11% – limonene+β-fellandrene, in all European samples – abietane derivatives, in 1 sample from Siberia Δ3-karen was not detected. The dominance of abietane derivatives in essential oils of the buds has been reported for the first time. The component composition of the essential oil of branches from Russia and Kazakhstan is more stable in composition and concentration of major substances. Α-pinene dominates in 81% of the samples of the essential oil of the branches, Δ3-karen dominates in 9%, and δ-kadinen dominates in 6%. Of the 54 buds samples, 13 samples do not meet the requirements of the FS in terms of essential oil content.
A large number of samples of essential oil with a predominant accumulation of Δ3-karen, identified by the authors, served as the basis for further work in improving the quality requirements of raw materials, as well as studying acute, chronic toxicity, as well as other pharmacological properties of essential oils.
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