UDC 661.152.4
The subject of the study is liquid humic fertilizers obtained by the original mechanochemical technology based on peat and vegetable raw materials. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of prolonged exposure to aqueous alkali solutions during storage on the chemical composition of humic substances that are part of liquid humic fertilizers. The change in the chemical composition of the active substances of fertilizers "Lignovit" and "Gumovit" (LLC Chemtechnology, Khanty-Mansiysk) after the expiration of the shelf life was studied. A decrease in the molecular weight of humic acids (HA) in the composition of liquid humic fertilizers was found due to the hydrolytic destruction of their peripheral and skeleton parts. Destructive hydrolytic processes are caused by prolonged exposure to an aqueous-alkaline solution, which is included in its composition. It has been shown by IR spectroscopy that hydrolytic destruction is caused by the destruction of simple and complex ether bonds in the structure of humic acid molecules. A decrease in the number of carboxyl and carbonyl groups was noted, which indicates partial decarboxylation of HA during storage. Using the example of the growth of micro- and macromycetes, it was found that long-term storage of liquid humic fertilizer does not have a negative impact on the level of its biological activity in relation to this group of organisms.
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