UDC 547.19

  • Irina Dement'yevna Zykova Siberian Federal University Email:
  • Liliya Viktorovna Naimushina Siberian Federal University
  • Aleksandr Alekseyevich Efremov Siberian Federal University; Institute of Space Technologies FRC KSC SB RAS Email:
Keywords: Rhododendron Adams (Rhododendron adamsii Render), extracts, antiradical activity, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), HPLC


Classes of extractive substances of rhododendron Adams, growing in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), contained in an aqueous extract and extracts based on 20, 40, 70 and 95% ethyl alcohol were studied. It is shown that these are mainly phenolic compounds, tannins and flavonoids. Moreover, the maximum amount of them is contained in an extract based on 40% ethyl alcohol.

The HPLC method revealed the presence of chlorogenic, caffeic, gallic acids, rutin, quercetin and dihydroquercitin in extracts.

In model reactions with a free stable 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical, the antiradical properties of water-alcohol solutions of Adams rhododendron were studied. The results of the DPPH test showed that the antiradical activity (ARA) is minimal for an extract based on 95% alcohol and increases from 46.7% in the case of an aqueous extract to 60.2% for a 40% aqueous alcohol extract, which is due to the peculiarity of their chemical composition. It is shown that the antiradical activity of extracts correlates well with the content of phenolic compounds in their composition (correlation coefficient 0.98).

According to the size of the ARA, water-alcohol extracts can be arranged in the following row: 40% extract > 20% extract > 70% water-alcohol extract > water extract > 95% alcohol extract.


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Author Biographies

Irina Dement'yevna Zykova, Siberian Federal University

кандидат технических наук, доцент

Liliya Viktorovna Naimushina, Siberian Federal University

кандидат химических наук, доцент

Aleksandr Alekseyevich Efremov, Siberian Federal University; Institute of Space Technologies FRC KSC SB RAS

доктор химических наук, профессор


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How to Cite
1. Zykova I. D., Naimushina L. V., Efremov A. A. ANTIRADICAL ACTIVITY OF WATER-ALCOHOL EXTRACTS OF RHODODENDRON ADAMSII R., GROWING IN YAKUTIA // chemistry of plant raw material, 2023. № 4. P. 317-323. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds