UDC 57.023
The article is devoted to the important problem of identifying forms of aspen (Populus tremula L.) resistant to rot caused by aspen tinder (Phellinus tremulae (Bond.) Bond. et Bor.) and cognition of ecophysiological mechanisms of this kind of resistance. The main material for the study was wood samples (cores) cored in the aspen stand, characterized by the presence of aspen trees with varying degrees of aspen tinder infestation, which was taken into account by the presence of tinder fruit bodies on the tree trunk and the presence of signs of wood destruction on the core. The tree stand is located on the territory of the Molokchinsky Botanical and Entomological Reserve in the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region. Previous studies have shown that aspens not affected by tinder are characterized by a tendency to form wider annual rings, however, an assessment of the statistical significance of these differences based on the Student's criterion did not show their reliability at a confidence level of 0.05. In the course of the study, it was found that stable forms of aspen have specific biochemical properties of wood. Wood samples were examined using the Py-GC/MS method. Pyrolysis in combination with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry is one of the most advanced methods of wood research due to the ability of this method to provide detailed information about the molecular structure of the lignocellulose complex. It was found that wood samples taken from trees without fruit bodies of tinder and which had no signs of rot development on the core were characterized by a relatively high content of pyrolysis products of the polysacchaide complex. Samples from trees affected by tinder fungus are characterized by a relatively high content of pyrolysis products of the syringyl and guaiacyl types of lignin in wood, which can be considered as a specific marker of the resistance of aspen forms to aspen tinder fungus.
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