UDC 547.458.88:630.892.4
The variability of pectin substances content in the bark of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) and Daurian larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) on the territory of Middle and Eastern Siberia was studied. The content of pectins in the barks of Siberian larch and Daurian larch at a height of 1.3 m averages 4–5%. The bark of the whole tree trunk contains 8–9% pectins. The highest pectin content (9–12%) was observed in the bark of young parts of the tree (top and limbs), as well as in the inner bark. The variation of pectins content in one tree is significant. It increases along the trunk height from the butt to the top more than 2.5 times. Endogenous variability is more pronounced and exceeds all other types of variability. The coefficient of variation of pectins content in the barks of Siberian and Daurian larches was 39 and 34%, respectively. Significant variation in the content of pectin substances depending on individual, species, age, ecological conditions, as well as on the geographical factor was established. The influence of habitat moisture degree on the amount of pectins in the barks of Siberian larch and Daurian larch in different forest types was found.
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