UDC 615.322
Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) is a valuable source of biologically active compounds. The purpose of this study is to develop a method for the quantitative determination of the amount of phenylpropanoids in peppermint leaves. In accordance with the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, XIV edition (FS.2.5.0029.15), the TLC method is used to determine the main groups of biologically active substances in the presence of standard samples of menthol and thymol. The “Quantitative Determination” section provides an assessment of the essential oil content and the calculated of flavonoids in peppermint leaves. According to the European Pharmacopoeia, the standardization of peppermint leaves is based on the essential oil content, while the calculated of flavonoids is not determined. However, in the case of dry mint leaf extract, the content of rosmarinic acid is determined by HPLC. We also found data on the feasibility of determining the amount of phenylpropanoids in terms of rosmarinic acid. This allows us to conclude that it is necessary to improve methods for standardizing peppermint leaves. As a result of the study, a method was developed for the quantitative determination of the amount of phenylpropanoids in peppermint leaves by spectrophotometry using a standard sample of rosmarinic acid at an analytical wavelength of 326 nm. It was determined that the content of total phenylpropanoids in peppermint leaves varies from 3.52±0.05 to 9.22±0.05% (calculated on rosmarinic acid and absolutely dry raw materials). The error in a single determination of the total phenylpropanoid content in the studied samples with a confidence probability of 95% is ±2.10%.
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