UDC 581.1
The objects of the study were needles, fruiting cones and bark of Larix cajanderi Mayr., which is widespread in Yakutia. The aim of this study was to determine the composition of extractives extracted from parts of L. cajanderi in two ways and to detect acute toxicity of extracts using test functions of Paramecium caudatum. It has been established that the composition and amount of extractive substances of individual parts of larch has significant differences. A wide variety of a number of active substances is found in needles and bark, regardless of the method of extraction. The needles contain mono- and disaccharides, polyols, flavonoids, carboxylic and phenolic acids. Fatty and resin acids predominate in cones and bark. The use of pre-extraction mechanochemical activation (PEMCA) of larch needles increases the yield of polyols in the extract, and mono- and disaccharides from the bark. It was found that the water-alcohol extraction of larch bark contains a significant amount of phenol acid – catechin, while the use of PEMCA led to a 1.5-fold increase in the content of catechins in the extract. It was shown that various combinations of ethanol concentration and the content of extractive substances in the environment of ciliates made it possible to determine the acute toxicity of extracts due to the appearance of test functions in Paramecium caudatum. It has been established that the extracts obtained using PEMCA raw materials lead to the early appearance of test functions leading to the death of ciliates, relative to water-alcohol extraction.
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