• Алексей (Aleksei) Викторович (Viktorovich) Мягчилов (Miagchilov) Far Eastern Federal University, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 27, Vladivostok, 690950 Email: dfdfdf47@yandex.ru
  • Лариса (Larisa) Ивановна (Ivanovna) Соколова (Sokolova) Far Eastern Federal University, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 27, Vladivostok, 690950 Email: lisokolova@bk.ru
  • Петр (Petr) Григорьевич (Grigor'evich) Горовой (Gorovoi) G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. 100 let Vladivostoku, 159, Vladivostok, 690922 Email: petrgorovoy@gmail.com
  • Вячеслав (Viacheslav) Георгиевич (Georgievich) Савченко (Savchenko) Far Eastern Federal University, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 27, Vladivostok, 690950 Email: savchenko.vg@dvgu.ru
Keywords: saw-wort, Serratula coronata, flavonoid, glycoside, liquid extraction, preparative column chromatography, UV-spectroscopy, NMR-spectroscopy, mass-spectrometry with electrospray ionization (ESI) and recording negative iones


For flavonoids containing drugs of interest in medicine and pharmacology promising plant in Russian Far East is saw-wort (Serratula coronata L.s.l.), in which ecdysteroids and flavonoids: quercetin, 3-methylquercetin, apigenin, isokempferide, were previously isolated and identified. 3-methylquercetin-4´-O-β-D-glycuronopyranoside was first isolated from the leaves of saw-wort growing in Primorsky Region of the Russian Far East by liquid extraction and preparative column chromatography with solvent mixture (chloroform, methanol) gross formula is C22H20O13. The flavonoids structure was elucidated by UV, NMR-spectroscopy and mass-spectrometry with electrospray ionization (ESI). It is showed that flavonoid aglycone is quercetin and carbohydrated flagment is in pyranose form. To determinate the carbohydrate  fragment configuration spin-spin coupling (SSCC) was measured using the data of NMR-1H, 1H,1H-COSY, 1H,13С-HSQC-spectrum.


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Author Biographies

Алексей (Aleksei) Викторович (Viktorovich) Мягчилов (Miagchilov), Far Eastern Federal University, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 27, Vladivostok, 690950
Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Lecturer
Лариса (Larisa) Ивановна (Ivanovna) Соколова (Sokolova), Far Eastern Federal University, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 27, Vladivostok, 690950
candidate of chemical science, professor
Петр (Petr) Григорьевич (Grigor'evich) Горовой (Gorovoi), G.B. Elyakov Pacific Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, pr. 100 let Vladivostoku, 159, Vladivostok, 690922
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of Laboratory of Plant chemotaxonomy
Вячеслав (Viacheslav) Георгиевич (Georgievich) Савченко (Savchenko), Far Eastern Federal University, ul. Oktyabrskaya, 27, Vladivostok, 690950
engineering laboratory of molecular analysis


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How to Cite
1. Мягчилов (Miagchilov)А. (Aleksei) В. (Viktorovich), Соколова (Sokolova)Л. (Larisa) И. (Ivanovna), Горовой (Gorovoi)П. (Petr) Г. (Grigor’evich), Савченко (Savchenko)В. (Viacheslav) Г. (Georgievich) 3-METHYLQUERCETIN-4′-О-β-D-GLYCURONOPYRANOSIDE – NEW FLAVONOID ISOLATED FROM SERRATULA CORONATA L.S.L. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 4. P. 77-81. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/1342.
Low-molecular weight compounds