UDC 628.3
This review article summarizes foreign and domestic literature data on the use of sugar beet pulp as a sorption material for the removal of metal ions, dyes, oil and oil products from aqueous media. Beet pulp is an affordable, annually renewable, cheap, efficient waste from the processing of agricultural raw materials. With an average sugar yield of 10-12% by weight of processed beets, about 83% of fresh beet pulp is formed. In the 2021/2022 season, Russian sugar refineries processed 37.5 million tons of sugar beet, while producing 30 million tons of raw sugar beet pulp. The composition of beet pulp is briefly shown, as well as the ways of its use as a secondary material resource. It was found that in most cases the adsorption isotherms of ions of various metals and dyes are more accurately described by the Langmuir model, and the kinetics of the process corresponds to the pseudo-second order model. It is shown that chemical modification contributes to an increase in the sorption characteristics of native and modified pulp samples for various pollutants. It was also found that in most cases adsorption is of a physical nature. Given the multi-tonnage formation of beet pulp, the latter is a promising precursor for the production of activated carbons and carbonizates, which are also effective sorbents for the extraction of metal ions, dyes and oil products from model and real wastewater.
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