• Наталья (Natalia) Николаевна (Nikolaevna) Сажина (Sazhina) Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Phisics Russian Akademy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina, 4, 119334, Moscow (Russia) Email:
Keywords: antioxidant, antioxidant activity, oxidation, ammetric method


For studying of antioxidant properties of various biological objects simple and operative electrochemical methods are widely used now. One of them is the ammetric method which is applied in the different field of science, technology and medicine for antioxidant activity determination of various drinks, herb extracts and biological liquids, and also the total content of the present antioxidants (AOs) in them.

In the present work measurements of AOA (electrochemical oxidizability) of some known individual AO and their mixes are taken by an ammetric method. Coefficients of their oxidizability are defined. The received AOA values well correlate with AOA of the same compounds measured by other methods. For various combinations of binary mixes of the used AOs coincidence of AOA experimental values and calculated values with use of the received oxidizability coefficients for each formulation constituent is observed. It testifies to absence of interaction between them (a synergism or antagonism) in the course of oxidation. An exception several mixes with smaller value of the measured AOA in comparison with calculated made (antagonism). At electrochemical oxidation of the mix "glutathione oxidized+ ascorbic acid " there is, apparently, a partial reduction of glutathione by ascorbic acid that leads to excess of the measured AOA value over calculated. The received results can be useful during the work with devices based on an ammetric method.


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Author Biography

Наталья (Natalia) Николаевна (Nikolaevna) Сажина (Sazhina), Emanuel Institute of Biochemical Phisics Russian Akademy of Sciences, ul. Kosygina, 4, 119334, Moscow (Russia)
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite
1. Сажина (Sazhina)Н. (Natalia) Н. (Nikolaevna) DETERMINATION OF ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY OF VARIOUS BIOANTIOXIDANTS AND THEIR MIXES BY AMMETRIC METHOD // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 4. P. 71-76. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds