UDK 615.07, 615.322

  • Elizaveta Sergeevna Surbeeva St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Sofya Igorevna Komova St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Valeria Sergeevna Shurakova St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Ksenia Stepanovna Nevedyuk St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Ulyana Andreevna Efremova St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Krishtanova St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Ella Pavlovna Sanaeva St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
  • Inna Ivanovna Terninko St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University Email:
Keywords: polysaccharide fractions, water-soluble polysaccharides, pectin substances, specialized nutrition, odorous celery, Apium graveolens L., botanical forms, HPTLC, IR spectroscopy


The study of natural polysaccharides is an important area of research due to their pharmacological effects, including antiviral activity and the ability to regulate metabolic disorders. In addition, these polymeric structures realize several properties (sorption, shaping, transport (and delivery systems), which increases the interest of scientists in their isolation and analysis. This study aims to comparatively investigate the polysaccharide fractions in different botanical forms of celery odouriferous. The objectives of the study include the isolation of polysaccharide fractions, their purification by the Sevag method, estimation of monomeric composition of the fractions after acid hydrolysis by the HPTLC method, and determination of structural characteristics of the molecules by IR spectroscopy. Alcohol-soluble polysaccharides (ASPS), water-soluble polysaccharides (WSPS), and pectin substances (PS) were isolated from leaf, petiole, and root botanical forms of celery. After purification, the obtained substances were amorphous powders of light brown or light beige colour and odourless. The root botanical form of celery showed the highest yield of the target compounds (total (13.54±1.07)% after purification), while the petiole form (total (5.51±0.04)% after purification) showed the lowest yield. The monomeric composition of pectins and WSPS showed a predominance of galactose and arabinose, whereas the alcoholic ones showed a predominance of fructose and glucose. The interpretation of IR spectra showed the presence of absorption bands characteristic of free and bound carboxyl groups, C-O-C valence vibrations, α-configuration of the glycosidic bond, and C1-α-conformation of galacturonic acid in different polysaccharide fractions, which allows us to draw some conclusions regarding the structure of the substances. A comparative study of polysaccharide fractions of different botanical forms of odorous celery was carried out for the first time. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to single out WSPS and PS of celery root crops as the most promising phytosubstances for further development of products of functional, specialized nutrition and potential medicines on their basis. The methods of analysis used in the study can be proposed as part of the regulatory documentation for the control of these products.


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Author Biographies

Elizaveta Sergeevna Surbeeva , St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

graduate student, analytical chemist at the testing laboratory (medicine quality control center), curator of the youth scientific society

Sofya Igorevna Komova, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

member of the youth scientific community

Valeria Sergeevna Shurakova, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

student, member of the youth scientific community

Ksenia Stepanovna Nevedyuk, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

student, member of the youth scientific community

Ulyana Andreevna Efremova, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

student, member of the youth scientific community

Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Krishtanova, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Ella Pavlovna Sanaeva, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Inna Ivanovna Terninko, St. Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, head of the testing laboratory (medicine quality control center), associate professor of the department of pharmaceutical chemistry


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How to Cite
1. Surbeeva E. S., Komova S. I., Shurakova V. S., Nevedyuk K. S., Efremova U. A., Krishtanova N. A., Sanaeva E. P., Terninko I. I. ISOLATION, PURIFICATION AND PHYTOCHEMICAL SCREENING OF POLYSACCHARIDE FRACTIONS FROM APIUM GRAVEOLENS’ L. BOTANICAL FORMS // chemistry of plant raw material, 2024. № 2. P. 126-137. URL:
Biopolymers of plants