UDC 615.322

  • Kira Aleksandrovna Pupykina Bashkir State Medical University Email:
  • Ekaterina Faridovna Koroleva Bashkir State Medical University Email:
Keywords: Thlaspi arvense L., saponins, qualitative composition, quantitative determination


Thlaspi arvense L., family (Brassicaceae) is a promising medicinal plant distributed throughout the Russian Federation. It is widely used in folk medicine as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, hypotensive, diuretic, wound healing, restorative, increasing libido, potency, regulating the menstrual cycle in women, the positive effect of using Thlaspi arvense L. in prostatic hyperplasia has been experimentally established, but it is not an official plant, since the chemical composition has not been sufficiently studied and the problems have not been solved issues of standardization of medicinal plant raw materials.

The purpose of the study is to study the qualitative composition and quantitative content of saponins in the herba of Thlaspi arvense L.

As a result of the study, it was found that herba of Thlaspi arvense L. contains saponins of triterpene nature, which coincide in chromatographic behavior with standard samples of β-escin and oleanolic acid. As a result of the spectral analysis carried out during the quantitative determination procedure, the presence of two absorption maxima λmax = 251±2 nm and λmax = 322±2 nm was revealed, which coincided with those values of the standard sample of β-escin. The quantitative determination of the amount of saponins in the raw materials of Thlaspi arvense L. was carried out by a spectrophotometric method based on the ability to absorb products of the interaction of saponins with concentrated sulfuric acid at a wavelength of 322±2 nm. As a result, it was found that the amount of triterpene saponins in terms of β-escin was slightly higher in herb – 1.53±0.05%, then in leaves – 0.91±0.03%, in fruits – 0.67±0.02% and in flowers – 0.42±0.01%. Thus, the data obtained can be used in the development of regulatory documentation for medicinal plant raw materials – "Thlaspi arvense L. herb".


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Author Biographies

Kira Aleksandrovna Pupykina , Bashkir State Medical University

Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany

Ekaterina Faridovna Koroleva , Bashkir State Medical University

Assistant of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology


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How to Cite
1. Pupykina K. A., Koroleva E. F. THE STUDY OF SAPONINS OF THLASPI ARVENSE L. // chemistry of plant raw material, 2024. № 4. P. 224-231. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds