UDK 676.252.2

  • Igor Vladimirovich Lavrentyev St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Elena Igorevna Simonova St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Elena Yuryevna Demyantseva St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Vladimir Klimentievich Dubovy St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design Email:
  • Vera Nikolaevna Bulycheva St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design
Keywords: cellulose, puff cellulose, cotton, cellulose of special chemical treatment, water absorption, water retention, fiber composition, weighted average fiber length, fluffed cellulose


The conducted studies of the effect of composite fiber composition on water absorption confirmed the fact of a possible solution to the problem of improving the quality of both the cellulose base and the puff cellulose obtained from it - the core layer of disposable water-absorbing sanitary and hygienic products (SGI) based on compositions of cellulose–containing materials. Data on the effectiveness of the combination of coniferous and deciduous wood pulp and cellulose of special chemical treatment (CSR) have been obtained. Compared to cellulose, the main indicator in the CSO – the "Weighted average fiber length" for the CSO turned out to be almost 2 times lower. The width of the fiber has decreased, the bending of the fiber has decreased 2 times, the twisting of the fiber has increased 3 times and the area of the trifle has increased almost 3 times. Such profound changes in cellulose, as expected, affected the quality of the cellulose base. Fiber compositions for casting cellulose material samples were studied: cellulose – 100%; cellulose – 75% + CSO – 25%; cellulose – 50% + CSO – 50%; CSO – 100%. For comparison, an experiment was conducted with cotton, from which the best puff cellulose is obtained. In essence, a cotton product is taken as a standard of quality. The compositions were studied: cellulose – 75% + cotton – 25%; cellulose – 50% + cotton – 50%; cotton – 100%.

The combination of cellulose and CSF in various proportions – from 25 to 50%, allowed us to obtain samples of cellulose base material with high water absorption properties - by 22%, with an increase in water retention by 3-5%. When comparing the quality indicators of the pulp base and cotton, it was revealed that the cellulose material consisting of cellulose – 50% + CSO – 50% is comparable or somewhat higher than the quality of the cotton puff pulp. Research has generally shown the prospects for the development of puff pulp based on various cellulose-containing materials to create competitive materials and fulfill the task of developing and import substitution of puff pulp in the Russian Federation.


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Author Biographies

Igor Vladimirovich Lavrentyev , St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

graduate student

Elena Igorevna Simonova , St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Paper and Cardboard Technology

Elena Yuryevna Demyantseva , St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry

Vladimir Klimentievich Dubovy , St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Vera Nikolaevna Bulycheva , St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design

graduate student


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How to Cite
1. Lavrentyev I. V., Simonova E. I., Demyantseva E. Y., Dubovy V. K., Bulycheva V. N. INVESTIGATION OF WATER ABSORPTION BY CELLULOSE COMPOSITE // chemistry of plant raw material, 2024. № 2. P. 401-409. URL: