• Виталий (Vitalii) Николаевич (Nikolaevich) Царёв (Tsarev) LLC "Laboratory grinap" Email:
  • Наталья (Natal'ia) Григорьевна (Grigor'evna) Базарнова (Bazarnova) Altai State University Email:
  • Максим (Maksim) Михайлович (Mikhailovich) Дубенский (Dubenskii) Altai State University Email:
Keywords: Chamerion Angustifolium Onagraceae, extractives, chemical composition, biological activity, extraction methods


The report examines the Chamerion Angustifolium Onagraceae, the place of its natural habitat, botanical and morphological description of the pharmacological properties and chemical composition.

The chemical composition of fireweed narrow-leaved enough studied as element and component, but, despite this, has not yet revealed the relationship of biologically active complexes with pharmacological action, not developed any filesystem project is not created a single drug with a biologically complex active substances extracted from fireweed narrow-leaved.

There is speculation about the mechanism of antitumor action of fireweed narrow-leaved and melkotsvetnogo, but there is no fixed chemical composition depending on the action.

Survey data serve as a basis for further study of the chemical composition of fireweed narrow-leaved, to determine the chemical composition of the relationship and his actions as onkoprotektor. Just aim to develop a methodology for the extraction of dry and fresh feed (grass fireweed narrow-leaved) with a maximum biological activity.


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Author Biographies

Виталий (Vitalii) Николаевич (Nikolaevich) Царёв (Tsarev), LLC "Laboratory grinap"
LLC "Laboratory grinap 'development director, a graduate student of the Department of Organic Chemistry
Наталья (Natal'ia) Григорьевна (Grigor'evna) Базарнова (Bazarnova), Altai State University
Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry
Максим (Maksim) Михайлович (Mikhailovich) Дубенский (Dubenskii), Altai State University
student of the Faculty of Chemistry


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How to Cite
1. Царёв (Tsarev)В. (Vitalii) Н. (Nikolaevich), Базарнова (Bazarnova)Н. (Natal’ia) Г. (Grigor’evna), Дубенский (Dubenskii)М. (Maksim) М. (Mikhailovich) CHAMERION ANGUSTIFOLIUM L. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY (REVIEWS) // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 4. P. 15-26. URL: