• Римма (Rimma) Фаильевна (Fail'evna) Мухаматханова (Mukhamatkhanova) Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences Email: rfm8@yandex.ru
  • Хайрулла (Khairulla) Мамадиевич (Mamadievich) Бобакулов (Bobakulov) Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences Email: khayrulla@rambler.ru
  • Ильдар (Il'dar) Джамильевич (Dzhamil'evich) Шамьянов (Sham'ianov Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences Email: sh-v@rambler.ru
  • Насрулла (Nasrulla) Джалилович (Dzhalilovich) Абдуллаев (Abdullaev) Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences Email: n_abdullaev@rambler.ru
Keywords: Artemisia sogdiana Bunge., Artemisia serotina Bunge., terpenoids, secondary metabolites, gas chromatography-mass spectral analysis


It was conducted the investigation of secondary metabolites by gas chromatography-mass spectral analysis of benzene extracts of the aerial parts of Artemisia sogdiana Bunge. and Artemisia serotina Bunge., collected during budding and early flowering spurs Nurata ridge Jizzakh region of Uzbekistan.

The basic components of A. sogdiana are 5,5-dimethyl-2(5Н)-furanone – 17,99%, g-vinyl-g-valerolactone – 8,71%; monoterpenoids: 1,8-cineole – 28,13%, a-thujone – 3,18%, b- thujone – 2,69%, camphor – 8,65%, filifolide А – 4,05%, chrysanthenone – 5,23%.

The basic components of A. serotina are 1,8-cineole – 10,08%, filifolide А – 8,62%, chrysanthenone – 13,00%, (Z)-jasmone – 1,95%.

The represented in this report A. sogdiana and A. serotina both have available α-pinene, 5,5-dimethyl-2(5Н)-furanone, g-vinyl-g-valerolactone, 1,8-cineole, chrysanthenone, α-isophorone and filifolide А, which could be marker compounds for them.

It should also be noted that the detected volatile monoterpenoids α- and β-thujones, camphor and 1,8-cineole are active inhibitors of seed germination and growth of seedlings of annual plants surrounding.

The analysis identified 19 and 22 compounds of those Artemisia species for the first time, respectively.


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Author Biographies

Римма (Rimma) Фаильевна (Fail'evna) Мухаматханова (Mukhamatkhanova), Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Senior researcher-researcher of the laboratory of chemistry of coumarins and terpenoids
Хайрулла (Khairulla) Мамадиевич (Mamadievich) Бобакулов (Bobakulov), Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Methods of Research
Ильдар (Il'dar) Джамильевич (Dzhamil'evich) Шамьянов (Sham'ianov, Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of the Chemistry of Coumarins and Terpenoids
Насрулла (Nasrulla) Джалилович (Dzhalilovich) Абдуллаев (Abdullaev), Acad. S.Yu.Yunusov Institute of the Chemistry of Plant Substances Uzbek Academy of Sciences
Leading Researcher of the Laboratory of Physical Methods of Research


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How to Cite
1. Мухаматханова (Mukhamatkhanova)Р. (Rimma) Ф. (Fail’evna), Бобакулов (Bobakulov)Х. (Khairulla) М. (Mamadievich), Шамьянов (Sham’ianovИ. (Il’dar) Д. (Dzhamil’evich), Абдуллаев (Abdullaev)Н. (Nasrulla) Д. (Dzhalilovich) TERPENOIDS AND OTHER COMPONENTS OF ARTEMISIA SOGDIANA AND A. SEROTINA, GROWING IN UZBEKISTAN // chemistry of plant raw material, 2016. № 2. P. 133-136. URL: http://journal.asu.ru/cw/article/view/1591.
Low-molecular weight compounds