• Ляйсан (Liaisan) Рафаиловна (Rafailovna) Мусина (Musina) Kazan National Research Technological University Email:
  • Мансур (Mansur) Флоридович (Floridovich) Галиханов (Galikhanov) Kazan National Research Technological University Email:
Keywords: filter paper, corona charging, perfume liquid, separating power


The quality and safety of food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetic products and chemicals set high requirements to the purity of various fluids used in their production. From the variety of filtering materials, more preference is given to the types of filter paper and cardboard, so the solution to improve their operational properties seems to be very interesting. In this work, we consider the possibility of obtaining electret filter paper and present the research based on the studying of the electret properties and the influence of the electret effect on the complex of its sorption and filtering properties. We found that the decrease in the rate of absorption of filter paper in the process of corona charging by 20% connected with the influence of the electric field of the paper on the sorption processes of water. It was found that the time of the spreading of water on the surface of the electret filter paper more on 25-80% in comparison with the initial samples due to the formation of an energy barrier on the surface of the paper, the overcoming of which is carried out by using the driving force of spreading. We found the increase in filtration efficiency of test specimens in the process of corona charging. It happens due to the deposition of fine particles on electret filter paper because of the force of Coulomb attraction. The positive results of the conducted research allow recommending electret filter paper for use in the purification of perfume liquids.


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Author Biographies

Ляйсан (Liaisan) Рафаиловна (Rafailovna) Мусина (Musina), Kazan National Research Technological University
Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology of Wood
Мансур (Mansur) Флоридович (Floridovich) Галиханов (Galikhanov), Kazan National Research Technological University
Doctor of technical sciences, professor


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How to Cite
1. Мусина (Musina)Л. (Liaisan) Р. (Rafailovna), Галиханов (Galikhanov)М. (Mansur) Ф. (Floridovich) THE EFFECT OF CORONA CHARGING ON SORPTION AND FILTERING PROPERTIES OF THE FILTER PAPER // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 2. P. 155-161. URL:
Paper and cardboard