• Надежда (Nadezhda) Сергеевна (Sergeevna) Лыскова (Lyskova) Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, St.Petersburg, 195251 Email:
  • Юлия (Iuliia) Генриховна (Genrikhovna) Базарнова (Bazarnova) Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, St.Petersburg, 195251 Email:
  • Игорь (Igor') Вадимович (Vadimovic) Кручина-Богданов (Kruchina-Bogdanov ) Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, St.Petersburg, 195251 Email:
Keywords: lichen substances of Usnea barbata, biologically active secondary metabolites, usnic acid, extraction, antioxidant activity


In the modern society value of many biological resources remains underestimated. Lichens are one of the unique poorly studied bioresources. These are amazing organisms, formed by symbiosis of algae and fungus. Due to this combination, lichens have a number of unique properties.

In this article the results of study the composition of biologically active secondary lichen metabolites of the Usnea barbata lichen. Antioxidant activity and antimicrobial properties of dry lichen extract against bacteria Bac. Subtilis. The conditions for extraction of biologically active metabolites using solvent systems such as water, water-ethanol mixtures with ethanol content of 40 and 70%, 1,4-dioxane and a mixture of 1,4-dioxane and water (1: 1) were selected. With use of the modern analytical methods, the composition of secondary metabolites in the extracts was studied. By the method of spectroscopy in the UV and visible region of the spectrum to determine the content usnic acid, which is 16,2 (solvent - water) to 60,0 (1,4-dioxane) mg/100 ml of extract.

It is shown that the dioxane extract has pronounced atioxidant properties. The active substances (in terms of usnic acid) of the dry extract of lichen Usnea barbata are able to inhibit the growth of bacteria Bac. Subtilis.


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Author Biographies

Надежда (Nadezhda) Сергеевна (Sergeevna) Лыскова (Lyskova), Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, St.Petersburg, 195251
master student of the Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Technologies
Юлия (Iuliia) Генриховна (Genrikhovna) Базарнова (Bazarnova), Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, St.Petersburg, 195251
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Higher School of Biotechnology and Food Technology
Игорь (Igor') Вадимович (Vadimovic) Кручина-Богданов (Kruchina-Bogdanov ), Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University, Polytechnicheskaya, 29, St.Petersburg, 195251
candidate of chemical sciences


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How to Cite
1. Лыскова (Lyskova)Н. (Nadezhda) С. (Sergeevna), Базарнова (Bazarnova)Ю. (Iuliia) Г. (Genrikhovna), Кручина-Богданов (Kruchina-Bogdanov )И. (Igor’) В. (Vadimovic) STUDY OF THE COMPOSITION AND PROPERTIES OF SECONDARY METABOLITES OF THE LICHEN USNEA BARBATA // chemistry of plant raw material, 2017. № 1. P. 121-127. URL:
Low-molecular weight compounds